Recently, I saw this codeforce problem, so I start to figure out how FFT works.

Iterative FFT

Let \(a\) be the original sequence and \(b\) is the sequence after divide and conquer,

Then we can observe that:

\[b_i = a_{reverse(i)} \iff b_{reverse(i)} = a_i\]

Let’s initialize \(j = 0\) index for \(a\) and \(i = 0\) index for \(b\), note that we can accelerate the procedure by incremental and in-place fashion, that is

\[b_{i = 0} = a_{reverse(i) == 0}\]

Given the fact that:

\[b_{i + 1} = a_{reverse(i+1)}\]

, we can actually exploit the previous step \(j == reverse(i)\) result.

Let us rewrite it to: \(reverse(j) == i\), then we can plug \(j\) into the update step.

\[b_{i + 1} = a_{reverse(reverse(j) + 1)}\]

Though \(reverse(reverse(j) + 1))\) seems crazy, it can actually be implemented fast by bitwise operations in reverse_add below.

Horay! Let’s see the code

int reverse_add(int x, int bit_length)
    // try to find the most first bit that is 0
    for(int l = 1 << bit_length; (x ^= l) < l; l >>= 1);
    return x;
void bit_reverse(int n, complex_t *x)
    int bit_length = (int) log2(n);
    for(int i = 0, j = 0; i != n; ++i)
        if(i > j) swap(x[i], x[j]);
        j = reverse_add(j, bit_length);

Let us try this example:

\[w^{0}_{8}, w^{1}_{8}, w^{2}_{8}, w^{3}_{8}, w^{4}_{8}, w^{5}_{8}, w^{6}_{8}, w^{7}_{8}\]

where \(w^{k}_{n} = e^{\frac{2 \pi i k}{n}}\).

And a polynomial ( I use the vector notation introduced by MIT open course):

\[A(x) = a_0 x^0 + a_1 x^1 + a_2 x^2 + .... a_7 x^7 = < a_0, a_1, ..., a_7 >(x)\]

Let’s see the computational graph:



void transform(int n, complex_t *x, complex_t *w)
    // Prepare the leaf nodes ( you can see this as a bottom-up approach )
    bit_reverse(n, x);
    for(int stride = 2; stride <= n; stride <<= 1)
        int half_stride = stride >> 1;
        // the start index of a stride region
        for(int start = 0; start < n; start += stride)
            // this loop will finish up [start, start + stride] region
            for(int k = 0; k < half_stride; ++k)
                complex_t z = x[start + half_stride + k] * w[n / stride * k];
                // Use the phase property (see below)
                x[start + half_stride + k] = x[start + k] - z;
                x[start + k] = x[start + k] + z;

Note, in the code,

\[z = ... \cdot w^{k}_{stride} = ... \cdot w^{k * \frac{n}{stride}}_{n}\]

and the phase property:

\[w^{k + \frac{n}{2}}_{n} = e^{\frac{2 \pi i}{n} \cdot \frac{n}{2}} \cdot w^{k}_{n} = - w^{k}_{n}\]

Recursively FFT

Here is the pseudocode:

fft(<a0, a1, a2, a3 ... , an-1>){
    result = [None] * n
    even = fft(<a0, a2, ... an-2>) // even[i] == A(w^{i}_{n/2})
    assert(len(even) == n/2)
    odd = fft(<a1, a3, ..., an-1>)
    assert(len(odd) == n/2)
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        // A(w^i_n) = A_even(w^{2i}_n) + w^i_n * A_odd(w^{2i}_n)
        // See the fact below.
        result[i] = even[i % (n/2)] + w^i_n * odd[i % (n/2)]

    return result
\[(w^{i}_n)^2 = w^{2i}_n = w^{i}_{\frac{n}{2}} = w^{i \mod \frac{n}{2}}_{\frac{n}{2}}\]

This is the code written by miskoo (See reference):

void fft(int n, complex<double>* buffer, int offset, int step, complex<double>* epsilon)
    if(n == 1) return;
    int m = n >> 1;
    fft(m, buffer, offset, step << 1, epsilon);
    fft(m, buffer, offset + step, step << 1, epsilon);
    for(int k = 0; k != m; ++k)
        int pos = 2 * step * k;
        temp[k] = buffer[pos + offset] + epsilon[k * step] * buffer[pos + offset + step];
        temp[k + m] = buffer[pos + offset] - epsilon[k * step] * buffer[pos + offset + step];
    for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
        buffer[i * step + offset] = temp[i];

For some people, this code is hard to understand at the first glance. So let us visualize it!:


Note that for simplicity, I denote:

\[A_{i:j:step}(x) = <a_i, a_{i+step}, ... >(x) \text{(Not include $j$)}\]

Number Theoretic Transform (NTT)

Procedure of NTT

  • Let \(n\) (must be the power of 2) be the transformed size of an input vector.
  • Choose a prime number \(p\) in the form of \(p = k \cdot n + 1\), where \(k \geq 1\). By Dirichilet prime theorem, you are guaranteed to find a \(k\) such that \(p\) is a prime.
  • Let \(g\) be the primitive \(p - 1\) root of unitiy (or say, primitive root modulo \(p\)). (It is guaranteed that you can find a \(g\) by the property of multiplicative group \(\mathbb{Z}_p\), though I don’t know why.) Note that: \(\{ g^0, g^1, g^2, ... g^{p-2} \}\) under modulo \(p\) are unique.
  • Define \(w_n \equiv g^k \mod p\). By Euler theorem, \(w^n_n = g^{kn} = g^{p-1} = g ^{\phi(p)}\equiv 1 \mod p\). Consider \(w^{i}_n = g^{ik}\) for \(0 \leq i < n\), because \(0 \leq ik < nk = p - 1\), by the property of Primitive root modulo n, we can make sure \(\{ w^{0}_n, w^{1}_n, ... , w^{n-1}_n \}\) under modulo \(p\) are unique. (You can prove that \(w^{\frac{n}{2}}_{n} \equiv -1 \mod p\) because \(\{ w^{0}_n, w^{1}_n, ... , w^{n-1}_n \}\) are unique. Therefore, every time you squre \(\{ w^{0}_n, w^{1}_n, ... , w^{n-1}_n \}\), the size of this set will be divided by 2)

Note: If \(w_n \equiv g^k \mod p\), then \(w_{\frac{n}{2}} \equiv g^{2k} \mod p\) because \(p = k \cdot n + 1 = 2k \cdot \frac{n}{2} + 1\).

How to handle inverse of a finite field number

The last missing part is: how can we efficiently compute \(w_n^{-1}\) (that is, the inverse of \(g^k \mod p\))? In fact, we can use Extended Euclidean algorithm. Remember you can compute the \(gcd(a, b)\) by

\[r_{k-2} = q_k r_{k-1} + r_k\]

with initial value \(r_{-2} = a\) and \(r_{-1} = b\) (from Wikipedia).

Let us first see why we can definitely find the inverse of a number. Assume \(gcd(a, b) = 1\), by Bezout’s identity, we are guaranteed to find integers \(x, y\), such that:

\[ax + by = gcd(a, b) = 1 \Rightarrow ax \equiv 1 \mod y\]

Therefore, if we can calculate \(x\), it will be the multiplicative inverse of \(a\). In our case, \(a\) is \(g^k \mod p\) and \(b\) is \(p\) (which are coprime: \(gcd(g^k \mod p, p) = 1\).

Extended Euclidean algorithm

(Mainly copied from Wikipedia, but add some comments of myself)

As the name shows, this is an extension of your high school Euclidean algorithm:

\[r_{k-2} = q_k r_{k-1} + r_k, s_k = s_{k-2} - q_{k} s_{k-1}, t_k = t_{k-2} - q_k t_{k-1} \text{ (in k's step)}\]

with \(s_{-2} = 1, s_{-1} = 0, t_{-2} = 0, t_{-1} = 1\), terminate at \(N\) step when \(r_{N+1} = 0\), then \(s = s_{N}\), \(t = t_{N}\) will satisfy \(s a + t b = gcd(a, b)\).

Proof: We claim that for each \(j\) step,

\[r_j = s_j a + t_j b\]

Base case: \(j == 0\)

\[s_0 = 1 - q_0 \cdot 0 = 1, t_0 = 0 - q_0 \cdot 1 = -q_0\]


\[s_0 a + t_0 b = a - q_0 b = r_0 \text{ (by the k == 0 step of Euclid algorithm)}\]

Assume \(j \leq k - 1\), our claim is correct.

Induction step: by \(k\)’s step of Euclid algorithm:

\[\begin{align*} r_k &= r_{k-2} - q_k r_{k-1} \\ &= s_{k-2} a + r_{k-2} b - q_k (s_{k-1} a + r_{k-1} b) \\ &= (s_{k-2} - q_k s_{k-1}) a + (r_{k-2} - q_k r_{k-1}) b \\ &= s_k a + t_k b \end{align*}\]

Thus, at the \(N\)’s step (where \(r_{N+1} = 0\)), we will get

\[s_N a + t_N b = r_N = gcd(a, b)\]

by the original definition of Euclid algorithm and our claim above.

Alternative way to compute multiplicative inverse

In our case, our goal is to compute:

\[ax \equiv 1 \mod p\]

By Euler’s theorem,

\[a^{\phi(p)} \equiv 1 \mod p \Rightarrow a^{p-1} \equiv 1 \mod p \Rightarrow a^{-1} \equiv a^{p-2} \mod p\]

Nevertheless, in practice, we can just swap the result, because if the input polynomial is \(A\) and:

\[(A(w^0_n), A(w^1_n), A(w^2_n), A(w^3_n), A(w^4_n), ..., A(w^{n-1}_n))\]

Our goal is to get (By the definition of inverse FFT):

\[\frac{1}{n}(A(w^{-0}_n), A(w^{-1}_n), A(w^{-2}_n), A(w^{-3}_n), A(w^{-4}_n), ..., A(w^{-(n-1)}_n))\]

Recall that:

\[w_{n} = g^k \mod p\]

Observe that:

\[\begin{align*} w^{n-i}_n &= g^{k (n - i)} \mod p\\ &= g^{kn - ki} \mod p \\ &= 1 \cdot g^{-ki} \mod p \\ &= w^{-i}_n \mod p \text{ (By definition)} \end{align*}\]


\[\frac{1}{n}(A(w^{-0}_n), A(w^{-1}_n), A(w^{-2}_n), A(w^{-3}_n), A(w^{-4}_n), ..., A(w^{-(n-1)}_n)) = \\ \frac{1}{n}(A(w^{0}_n), A(w^{n-1}_n), A(w^{n-2}_n), A(w^{n-3}_n), A(w^{n-4}_n), ..., A(w^{1}_n))\]

, which can be implemented by std::swap efficiently! (and no need to explicitly compute \(w^{-i}_n\))

How to handle negative number

(Thanks to yao11617’s contribution!) In NTT, we are actually perform addition, subtraction and multiplication over \(GF(p)\) (a Finitie Field, where \(p\) is a prime number). We can leverage the idea of 2’s complement. That is, we can represent the numbeer larger than \(\frac{p-1}{2}\) as negative number.

Precisely, \(F = \{0 == 0, 1 == 1, 2 == 2, ..., \frac{p-1}{2} == \frac{p-1}{2}, -\frac{p-1}{2} == \frac{p-1}{2} + 1, .... -1 == p-1\}\)

Let us use several examples to make sure our idea is feasible:

  1. \[2(2) + (p - 1)(-1) \equiv 1 \mod p\]
  2. \[3(3) * (p - 7)(-7) \equiv p - 21 \mod p\]
  3. \[8(8) - (p- 10)(-10) \equiv 18 \mod p\]

Practically, you can map a negative number \(a\) to \(p + a\) and then restore it after performing NTT by \(a - p\) (if the output coefficient is \(a\))!

Isn’t it interesting?

Practical Suggestion

  • You can find the useful primitive root of unity table in FFT用到的各種素數 In case of that website crash, I backup that table here:
\(p = r \cdot 2^{k} + 1\) (prime number) \(r\) \(k\) \(g\) (primitive root)
3 1 1 2
5 1 2 2
17 1 4 3
97 3 5 5
193 3 6 5
257 1 8 3
7681 15 9 17
12289 3 12 11
40961 5 13 3
65537 1 16 3
786433 3 18 10
5767169 11 19 3
7340033 7 20 3
23068673 11 21 3
104857601 25 22 3
167772161 5 25 3
469762049 7 26 3
998244353 119 23 3
1004535809 479 21 3
2013265921 15 27 31
2281701377 17 27 3
3221225473 3 30 5
75161927681 35 31 3
77309411329 9 33 7
206158430209 3 36 22
2061584302081 15 37 7
2748779069441 5 39 3
6597069766657 3 41 5
39582418599937 9 42 5
79164837199873 9 43 5
263882790666241 15 44 7
1231453023109121 35 45 3
1337006139375617 19 46 3
3799912185593857 27 47 5
4222124650659841 15 48 19
7881299347898369 7 50 6
31525197391593473 7 52 3
180143985094819841 5 55 6
1945555039024054273 27 56 5
4179340454199820289 29 57 3

My C++ code


I finally solve in 2019/12/27!

(This is also the first time I solve a problem less than 300 people having solved!) horay

See my code here:
